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Investing in Our Future Through Education

At the heart of Pam’s vision for a prosperous and equitable future lies a commitment to transforming our education system. In Congress, she will be dedicated to advocating for public education policy that prioritizes the well-being and success of every student, fosters an environment of learning and growth, and eradicates the systemic barriers hindering their progress. Pam supports a federal Ban on Book Bans, meaning no state or locality can divert educational resources to promote censorship or erode students’ freedom to read.


Investing in Schools

As a state education official, Pam knows that federal support for education is paramount. She will make it a priority to invest substantially in our schools, ensuring that they have the necessary resources to provide a high-quality education for all students to learn in healthy, safe, and supportive learning environments. 


Creating a Pathway to an  Affordable College Degree

Not every student will choose to go to college. But for those that do, it should be accessible, regardless of economic background. As your representative, Pam will work to  reduce the burden of college costs by increasing financial aid, expanding scholarship opportunities, and supporting community colleges. By making college more affordable, we will open doors of opportunity and empower students to pursue their passions without the weight of crushing debt.


Ending Student Loan Debt

Student loan debt has become an oppressive burden for many graduates, hindering their ability to thrive and contribute fully to society. Pam is committed to finding comprehensive solutions to alleviate this debt crisis, like capping interest rates, expanding loan forgiveness programs, fixing loopholes in student loan debt forgiveness programs, and enhancing financial literacy to prevent future generations from facing similar challenges.


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